Available Services

Program Unit Funding

A Program Unit Funding (PUF) grant is available for children 2 years, 8 months of age. Individualized Program Plans (IPP) are prepared with a variety of programming options for families of eligible children with severe delays. A child may receive a maximum of 3 years of Program Unit Funding.

Support for English as a Second Language

Children with English as a second language are identified as needing support and receive services in their preschool classrooms.

Mild/Moderate Programming

TRAIL Kids provides support for young children ages 3.8 – 6 years who meet criteria for Mild/Moderate funding for Alberta Education.
Your child will be assigned an Assistant who will work with your child in small groups while at preschool. He or she will receive support from one or more therapists and the coordinator. An Individualized Program Plan will be developed, implemented and updated throughout the school year.

Family Oriented Programming Sessions (FOPS)

FOPS are used to encourage parent involvement and to enable parents to learn strategies related to their child's educationally relevant goals. FOPS sessions are provided under the direction of a certified teacher/ program coordinator and are planned by members of the programming team.

Preschool Screening

Children are screened and assessed to determine whether they are eligible to receive support for developmental areas deemed important to success in school.