Frequently Asked Questions

Early intervention is a system of coordinated services that promotes a child’s growth and development. The family and/or a child’s supportive adults are an integral part of our program as they play a critical role in the early years of development.

There are three types of Early Intervention Programming: Program Unit Funding Programs, Mild/Moderate Programs, and English Language Learner Programs.

Each program is specially designed to support the child within their classroom environment and to ensure their early learning experiences are positive and successful.

It is generally agreed that there are three primary reasons for intervening early with a special needs child:

To enhance the child’s skills while the brain is still developing.

To provide support and assistance to the family.

To connect children and families with services that support further development.

A child with a severe disability/delay is eligible for up to three years of Program Unit Funding if they continue to meet the criteria for at least one of the severe codes below:

Code                                                            Alberta Education Codes

 41                                                               Severe Cognitive Disability

 42                                                  Severe Emotional/Behavioural Disability

 43                                                              Severe Multiple Disability

 44                                                       Severe Physical or Medical Disability

 45                                                                              Deafness

 46                                                                              Blindness

 47                                                       ECS Severe Delay Involving Language

All Early Intervention Programs are funded by Alberta Education and and are fully integrated within the child’s educational setting.

For audited financial statements, please contact Phil Carter, CFO at

For senior management compensation information please contact Phil Carter, CFO at

Operational, financial, and governance policies are available by contacting Phil Carter, CFO at

1. Your child is assessed by a therapist (e.g. OT, Speech, PT, Psych).

2. Assessments done outside of our program should be submitted to TRAIL Kids to be forwarded to Alberta Education for PUF approval (if done in the months prior to September) 

3. Once approved by Alberta Education, you will be contacted and an Intake Meeting will be scheduled.

4. Intake Meeting – Parents meet with an Educational Coordinator from TRAIL Kids. A Program Plan will be put into place based on your child’s needs (e.g. to determine times, dates and frequency of therapy sessions and the components of the program). Documentation is completed for files.

5. Your child will be assigned a programming team, which includes an Educational Coordinator, Therapist(s) and an Assistant. The Educational Coordinator will contact the family to arrange for introductions to the team.

6. The assistant and therapists begin working with the child and family, in the preschool and during Additional Programming, as agreed upon at the Intake Meeting.

7. An initial IPP Meeting to set goals will be held within the first 2 months after programming begins.

8. A second IPP review meeting will be held mid-year (February/March)

9. Assessments are completed by therapist(s) from March to May, to assess the child’s progress and to determine eligibility for future funding.

10. A final IPP meeting will be held towards the end of the year (June)

11. If children are moving to another program (eg. kindergarten, an alternative agency or mild/moderate program) a transition process will be completed. 

*The mild/moderate timeline is similar but with only 2 IPP meetings.