Our Team of Specialists Include:

Executive Director

Oversees the day-to-day operations from a programming perspective, a budgetary perspective and a philosophical perspective. The Executive Director partners with Alberta Education to ensure that identified children and their families are supported through the funding process. The ED supports Educational Coordinators and Human Resources in their day-to-day work.

Educational Coordinators

Certified teachers/team leaders who are the key contact for parents, therapists, assistants, and preschool teachers. The Educational Coordinator oversees, coordinates and facilitates all aspects of the child’s programming, including IPP meetings, and preschool liaison. The Coordinator also maintains ongoing communication with the whole team to ensure that the program is meeting expectations.

Educational Assistants

The Educational Assistants have a range of responsibilities from observing and tracking a child’s progress, to instructing individual and/or small groups of children by carrying out plans and activities assigned by the early intervention team. The Assistants will adapt and prepare instructional materials, advocate for unique learning needs of the children and implement IPP goals and objectives on a daily basis.  

Preschool Teachers

Our early childhood educators are passionate about and dedicated to working with young children. They are patient and understand that all children have unique and special skills. Our teachers are life-long learners and they are dedicated to inspiring and being inspired by their students. We encourage children to take creative risks and help to develop foundational social emotional skills. Moreover, our excellent educators are dedicated to the love of learning and provide an environment where the excitement of learning resonates with children for the rest of their lives. 


Our Psychologists are committed to creating an individualized plan that will best support the child and family. This process is unique and different for each individual. Services may include psychoeducational assessments, behaviour plans, family oriented programming sessions and site based support. 

Speech and Language Pathologists

Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) are specialists in communication.  As a part of the team, the SLP will set goals, provide ongoing assessment and monitor progress throughout the year.  The SLP works with the child, family and other team members to help address the communication needs of each child.

Physical Therapists

Our Physical Therapists (PT) are an integral part of the multidisciplinary team. They work with and support children whose conditions include gross motor delays and neuromuscular conditions. Our PTs work on strengthening the body and enhancing mobility in the classroom to promote academic success.  

Occupational Therapists

Occupational Therapists (OTs) help people across the lifespan participate in the things they want and need to do through everyday activities, also known as “daily occupations”.  In preschool, this means OTs will provide intervention by engaging kids in their primary childhood occupation — PLAY! As part of the team, the OT will set goals, provide ongoing assessment and monitor progress throughout the year to help kids improve their performance in daily occupations such as fine motor skills, self-help skills (e.g. eating, dressing and toileting), problem solving, attention, and sensory processing skills using play based activities and strategies.